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High Speed Rail Networks: East meets Best

Shinkansen trains operate to maximize efficiency while China is heavily focused on connected technologies across the customer travel experience.
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Last Mile: How multi driver routes can flex

Most of the issues with last-mile come down to time and space. In the small hours of the morning, streets are empty. Traffic is light, but offices are closed.

Real-time: Fleet management for LEV and E-Cargo

For many fleet managers the DIY model of in-house maintenance and staffing has given way to outsourced fleet management and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).
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Urban Fleet: A shift to smaller electric vehicles

The key constraints are physical bulk, emissions legislation, electrification and a changing focus on walkable and livable urban spaces.
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Fleet Telematics: Driving on the edge of logistics

... enhancing safety and predicting maintenance needs, telematics offers immense value. The key is informed decision making in real-time at a fleet level.
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Just be Cool! Cold chain meets intermodal

In a land far, far, away, two key players are reshaping your diet: Cold chain and intermodal transport. Together, they’re ensuring that everything, from fresh
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Connected: Warehouse and Supply Chains

Connected technology is no longer an expensive luxury for logistics leaders—it’s a competitive cornerstone. By integrating IoT, analytics, and automation...
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Cargo: Challenge and benefits of IoT for rail

Sensors embedded in railcars and containers provide crucial information on the location, condition, and weight of goods in transit.
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Rail Logistics and IoT: We are on the right Track

Trains can move vast quantities efficiently across both continents and countries, without the traffic jams or delays that plague road transportation.