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Irrigation systems: The concept of round wheels

Squares and rectangles dominate agriculture. Yet there are very few square crops? When you consider the utility of swales, mulching, prevailing wind patterns
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Garden + H²O, Solar + IoT? Grow better

In modern horticulture, technology convergence has redefined how we approach water management, energy usage, and system efficiency. This synergy...

Winter Farmer: What is wet, cold and overheated?

Work does not stop over Christmas. Your feet are cold. Rain falls sideways. Your back in roiled in sweat ferrying hay from the barn to a cattle feeder.
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Precision Farming: Outstanding in it’s fields

Precision agriculture is about optimizing specific farming actions (e.g., applying water or nutrients to targeted areas).
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Each Drop Counts: A wheat farmer pivots to smart irrigation

Stretching out before him, a golden expanse that is a source of pride and until recently, intense stress...
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The Green House: Breathing new life into greenhouses

Greenhouses do not have to be inefficient single pane glass box or plastic hoop structure, they can be stunningly beautiful, while being intensely utilitarian. ..
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Vine Culture: Tradition lives on but the tools are cutting edge

On the south side of a Bulgarian plateau a farmer throws his eyes to the skies. He performs the same ritual as his brethren have done for 6000 years...
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Farm Access: Using sensor tech to secure stock

Today, as we close in on winter, the topic is access and control...
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Don’t fence me in: Tracking livestock health with connected tools

With connected technologies, farmers can monitor health, behavior, and overall well-being, all in real time..