Water management

Level metering system

Monitoring of tank level

Level metering system

What is Level metering system?

IoT solution level metering is a smart water management system that integrates with the Water Monitoring IoT platform Qdata to provide data-driven insights.

This system uses ultrasonic sensors to measure water levels in real-time and send the collected data to the Qdata platform. It can also detect potential leaks and water supply network problems through comparison and analysis of data from different measurement points.

This solution enables better management of water resources and can help reduce water wastage by alerting the users to potential problems.

Project Start date

Project Start date


Project goal

Project goal

Overflow and leak detection of water towers and water tanks

Global service

Project volume

more than 100 units

Our Partners

System technology

Level metering system

Water tank with hydrostatic sensor

Data received

findy IoT logger

Global service

GSM Network

findy IoT platform

findy IoT platform

Products used


Level metering system

Every 15 minutes the IoT measures the water level trough hydrostatic sensor connected to 4-20mA input of the IoT.

Data received

Raw samplings are sent to findy IoT platform for analysis

Chosen solution benefits

  • Cost effective
  • Ultra long battery life
  • Additional alarm features
  • Support of 2G/ NB-IoT and LTE Cat M1
  • Accurate measurement
Level metering system
Data received

Data received

- Internal battery level
- Network Bearer
- Radio Signal Strength
- Link Quality
- Serving Cell ID
- Mobile network code
- Mobile country code
- Signal SNR
- Cell LAC/TAC
- Total value on Digital input 1
- Samplings on Digital input 1
- Samplings of 4-20mA input

System performance

- Over 1 week reporting without power supply
- Data transmission in poor LTE coverage areas
- Accuracy over 99.7%

Project benefits

Project benefits

- Water usage statistics
- Pumping station management data provided realtime
- Leak detection
- Over consumption alarms

Project Results

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