Smart Water Management Systems

Developing robust IoT applications specifically for water industry operators.

Optimize water usage with water monitoring, metering, pressure, and level metering

Water Metering solution

Automating the lifecycle of providing water to consumers by using connected meters and real-time monitoring systems.

Water Management Solution

Data-driven proactive approach for water resource usage to deliver cost savings.

Designing and developing IoT software and applications for sustainable and resilient resource usage.

Remote Water meter

FindyIoT solution wirelessly monitors and provides data with remote water meters. Here are some highlights of our solution.

Level metering system

Water pressure sensor

FindyIoT offers high-precision wireless pressure sensor-based IoT solutions. It samples water pressure from different points in the water supply system and provides real-time data on the water pipe system’s condition. It empowers customers to detect water leakage and unauthorized use of the water supply system.

Highlights include the following:

Enhanced sensor solutions

Pressure sampling from any 4-20mA sensor

Global service

Logging and transmission over Low Power LTE networks

Alarms on high and low water pressure

Gain data insights

Data analysis on the Q Scada platform

Level metering system

Level metering system

FindyIoT water level monitoring provides automatic detection of liquid levels from tanks and storage containers. The state-of-the-art system has an intuitive design to allow users to know the actual status of the fluid levels in tanks.

Monitoring the level of water in personal, industrial, or government water tanks is an essential part of the whole water delivery system. Organizations can use the accurate information from devices to control pumps, detect water leaks, calculate water consumption and perform optimization measures.

Our IoT solution has enhanced capabilities to measure hydrostatic pressure for water tanks up to six meters deep. The IoT platform uses the data captured for generating alerts, management activities, or parameter-based alarms.

Related Use Cases

Level metering systems are ruggedly built tools to monitor tanks, silos, containers and trailers. Using connected tech to deliver that data in real time.
Very cost-effective, as it does not require expensive infrastructure for installation and maintenance. An ideal solution for remote water metering.

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